will replace the webproxy provided by centova cast in a few weeks. Just wanting to give anyone who uses the webproxy link found in centovas control panel a chance to make any changes needed before its enforced. The new proxy is opt in as it will take a listener slot from the small starter accounts and is not something everyone requires. If you wish to enable the proxy please either respond to the thread regarding this on the Facebook Producers Page or open a support ticket including your server name (Agnes, Bluford, cristins, Sky 1, Eddie) and your streams port number (2199 is not the right port number :) ) and I will ensure it gets enabled for you.
And heres why :
It is quickly approaching Halloween - the anniversary of when the web control panels became inaccessible and we had our first and last issue on bluford (and the other servers - at the time agnes was being a little pig every couple of months with it losing its internet connection as a switch restarted at the host). Even though the streams continued to go out unaffected, nobody could get in to the Centova control panel.
The issue was found to be linked to a huge spike in listeners using Centovas built in proxy. They ate up all the bandwidth preventing any other traffic (the webpage for the control panel)
Torontocast has a dedicated proxy service completely isolated from the centova servers themselves. Even though proxys should be used to work around exceptional circumstances, if they do get overloaded, the main centova serves will remain unaffected.
It also gives me an opportunity to make SSL renewals for the centova servers automatic (no longer will I be responsible for unlocked padlocks when I time it wrong - sorry again for dropping that).
This involves a small setting change which will prevent the built in centova proxy from working so I will take the opportunity to disable that one at the same time to prevent people trying something that I know won't work. This happens live and does not affect the streams in anyway, but if you are using the centova proxy url, it will stop responding.
This action will be done on 20th October 2018.