SOCAN Compliance May 27 Update

  • Sunday, 27th May, 2018
  • 17:26pm
Here is an update to the SOCAN clarification that we posted and discussed on the Facebook Producer's Page for those that may have missed it:

Last week we received an email clarification of SOCAN's policy regarding embedded players and widgets on producer's web pages. Here is an edited (for clarity) excerpt:

So after my brief analysis here is what I can come back to you with. Your 22.F license covers as well as any links associated to that root URL which I believe a good example of is this:

When you have a client that can make their content available on an entirely different root URL with no “torontocast” they would be responsible for obtaining their own licensing and paying the minimum licensing fee:

An example of this type of client would apply:

The stream we can listen to on TorontoCast is covered by your fee but their own website is not technically “covered”.
Sorry to be so technical but we must treat all licensees equally and we must abide by the Tariff language and minimum fees.

If you are currently using the Centova supplied start page as your website, you do not have to take any action.

For the rest of us, a quick, free and easy solution is as follows:

1) Order a TorontoCast sub domain and Basic Hosting, at no cost, using the promo code socan from the billing system.
2) Build a one page site to host your player(s) and widgets and replace your current embedded players on your site with a link to your new TorontoCast player page.
Copy your entire site to the new TorontoCast sub domain site and simply redirect your current URL to the new sub domain.

Here is a recap of what we know so far:
All website players must be removed from non Torontocast base URL websites and placed on either a Torontocast sub domain website or pop up window. Simply branding your player as Torontocast on a non Torontocast URL website will not put you into complaince. Additionally, iFrames containing web players on a non Torontocast URL website will not be considered as in complience by SOCAN. The Torontocast root domain must be displayed in the address bar.
All widgets and third party players such as the TuneIn player must be displayed on the Torontocast root URL (sub domain) web page.
We will receive additional clarification from SOCAN during a call scheduled for this Tuesday and will post additional information as it becomes available.


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